PC>> If I put it below, then it would come into my inbox, and I wouldn't know
PC>> spampal had called it spam, since I don't change the subject. If I
PC>> manually read it, and send it to spamcop, then I don't need spampal do
PC>> I?

AM> Why don't you have the filter move the message to a spam folder?

AM> I thought that was what your spam filters did?

ok, if I used Spamcop filter, yes, I read the mail message, determine
that it is spam, CTRL-ALT-S to send AND move it to a SPAM folder. This
requires me reading the message, determining it is spam, and dealing
with it. If I use spampal( popfile..) then I check mail, bring up the
ticker, and see that there is already a message determined to be spam in
the spam folder, so I can read it later, not read it, delete it, or I
could also CTRL-ALT-S for spamcop, but that doesn't work since it is
already moved to a spam folder. Am I trying to do too much? do I need
spampal ( popfile) ? or do I need spamcop? I wish I could get spampal to
identify it, and spamcop to send it, all without my having to deal with

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