Hello John & fellow Batters,

On or about Monday, July 28, 2003 at 21:48:14GMT +1000 (which was 6:48
AM in the tropics where I live) John Phillips posted:

JP> Where do I find the so called "details"?

I would be VERY interested in an option to turn on/off DETAILED

I am not a programmer, but I would also be interested in having some
sort of LOG ANALYZER that would give statistics and summaries of the
number of messages received, errors reported, the filters used and
number of messages acted on by each filter over time.  It would be
nice to know this information, as well as a useful tool for debugging
any errant filters.  Anyone else??

This plus the never-ending request for a message base repair tool that
will work for message bases that become "too large!"  I now have 9 of
these files sitting languishing on my system and taking up over 18GB
of space.  I don't have the several days (or weeks!) it would take to
extract all the attachments from these files.   Perhaps a check within
the program that would WARN of this problem, say 100-200 MB before it

I have also returned to my re-engineered X-SENDER header due to two
more family members switching ISP to a stupid and uneducated one that
bans Bat-mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Could we have the option to turn this header
OFF please....pretty please.....??

Warmest tropical wishes,

Quote for the month:
"Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you

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