Hi Anne

Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 9:35:01 PM, you wrote:

A> Thursday, September 11, 2003, 1:34:32 AM, Allie wrote:

AM>> I'm wondering if it's ZA at all. :/

A> Allie and Vishal,

A> Over on TBBETA Marek has just advised Melvyn who has this same
A> problem to try using the Scheduler to do the auto downloading and
A> Melvyn tried it and he says it worked.

Update - it worked for me too! Thank you VERY much Anne..this problem has
plagued me for as long as I can remember :) Here's a reason for people to
upgrade to version 2 - ladies and gentlemen..please welcome..the scheduler!

Now there's something for the developers to ponder over..scheduler working but
regular automatic checking not? Also, as a reminder to them (in case they're
following this thread), it's not that my firewall (ZA, BlackICE, whatever)
blocked the connections. The logs show that the attemtps to connect were never



Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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