Saturday, March 6, 2004, 1:25:53 PM, you wrote:

JM>>> Again, it's a very minor cosmetic bugaboo, but it's annoying
JM>>> nonetheless.
MW>> I like it that way... the main horizontal and vertical dividers are the
MW>> same width and separate three things: folder tree, message list and
MW>> message preview. I think it makes sense that the others are a different
MW>> size.

> Could the thicker ones be the ones that are 'grab-able"?

That's certainly seems to be part of it, Rich.

But even the "non-grab-able" dividers (in some views) aren't *exactly*
the same width, which, IMO, they should be. They're "off" just enough
to drive anal-retentive SOBs like me crazy (no, it wasn't a very long


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