Saturday, March 6, 2004, 7:48:38 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Jack!

> On Saturday, March 06, 2004, 7:30 PM, you wrote:

JM>> Shame on me!

> Yes, Jack, for using unwarranted sarcasm in a discussion that is
> mainly about personal preferences.

Boy, we just don't see the world through the same prism, do we?

Which is perfectly okay, of course.

But I thought that my very mild sarcasm was both warranted and apropos
a bunch of overwrought and unwarranted criticism directed squarely at

And if it's true, that *my* personal preferences mean absolutely
nothing to The Bat's designers, I sure wish they'd just come out and
say so.

> Like Peter M. and Miguel, I use the TB! for its convenience.

I use it for a lot of things, but mainly for its ability to send and
retrieve e-mail.

I also use my car mainly to get me from point A to point B, but I *BUY*
a car as much for its looks as for its ability to get me around.

Don't you?

The big fuss that's routinely made here over the publication of a new,
fresh set of glyphs, for example, should tell you that people have
many different preferences and tastes.

I was merely voicing *my* support for *mine.*

When did that become a sin?  Or cause for attack?

> Additionally, it is important to me for the safety I gain by being
> able to delete mail on the Mail Dispatcher. I have learned so very
> much from people more experienced than I am about recognizing the
> signs of danger. Since my mail is only for my personal information and
> enjoyment, I have the leisure to consider the mails individually
> on-server.

And that has what, exactly, to do with spiffying up the interface?

> So first and foremost, my e-mail client is about utility.

You don't care what it looks like?  What kinds of fonts are available
to you?  Or about the various split modes?  Etc. Etc. Etc.

They just changed the look of the download bar in the Connection
Center, Mary. I wonder why they did that?

Here's what they said about it:

"*Better looking total progress indicator in the Connection Centre
under XP Themes"

Now, did this change have anything to do with The Bat's "utility"?


> But I agree with you that it should also be as pleasant as possible on
> the screen. And I don't understand why you don't like the lines of
> TB!, unless, as I said, it's something with the latest release.

No, it's been pretty much the same from the get-go -- however, vs 2.0
made some changes that really emphasize the gaps now (at least to me),
especially when in Edit Message mode.  So I thought I'd bring it up,
because it appears to me, anyway (the person's preferences I'm most
concerned with) that the design might be going in the wrong direction.

> Please continue this discussion with me, if you would like to.

Are you sure that we won't cause Peter and Miquel to leap off a
building, or something?

Maybe if we whispered?

> But also please try to refrain from insulting two of my oldest friends on
> this list.

It's okay then to insult anyone who's not your friend?

Moreover, I thought it was a little insulting myself, not to mention
somewhat childish, for the both of them to get their pantyhose in such
an uproar over my simple request to have the nice folks at RitLabs
reconsider how the gaps are presently designed, etc.

JM>> And lastly, I apologize for apologizing so much.

> Please. Settle down?

I'm fine, Mary.

If I were anymore "settled down," they'd have to hook me up to a heart
monitor to know if I was still alive.

I think you should probably save your concern for Miquel and Peter,

They sound like we might see them on the Evening News tomorrow.


Best regards,

Using The Bat! 2.04.7 on Windows 5.1 (2600) Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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