A>> Bump! Still no responses   :(

> That probably means, that nobody has a direct answer. You wouldn't
> like the list to be flooded with messages like: 'Sorry, no idea!', nor
> to your messages, nor to somebody else?

I know, I wasn't trying to be a pest  :)

I hadn't received even a single response though so I wasn't even sure there was 
anybody there  <g>

Thanks for responding though.

A>> Is *anybody* able to actually create a digital certificate using The Bat! v3 Pro?

> I've actually received once a message with TB 3.0 pro that was signed
> with a digital certificate, so I guess it's possible.

The problem I'm having only seems to present itself when trying to generate a 
certificate. Certificates from Thawte etc. seem to work as expected.



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