Having read su and then group it struck me that this is disingenuous,
for want of a much better word:
A user is automatically in a group if that group was
     specified in their passwd(5) entry and does not need to be added to that
     group in the group file.

If this is intended on the part of su and otherwise the above
statement is strictly correct, as far as group membership goes, then
the diff is probably not warranted.
It doesn't seem necessary.
In my case being new to su I of course read su(1) and coped fine.
It seemed very clear what the deal was, certainly as far as administration.
Presumably anyone who's forgotten or whatever and su doesn't work will
go read it also.

At install, are users that are added to wheel listed in group?
If the FAQ is correct then that must be what happens right?

Are there any other cases like this, where users must be explicitly
added to a group?

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