On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 01:57:43AM +0200, Ingo Schwarze wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Theo de Raadt wrote on Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 04:17:14PM -0600:
> > piroft@ wrote:
> >> Is there any reason why manpage text does not resize nicely
> >> with <80 columns xterms?
> I want to avoid excessive magic.
> By the way, actually, the default width is 78, not 80.
> By tradition.
> >> Is it because of less(1)?
> No.  less(1) always wraps and re-wraps its input file to fit the
> terminal width.  Of course, it preserves existing line breaks, it
> only adds new ones, and it adds the new ones after the last character
> that fits on each line, possibly in the middle of words and numbers.
> > Can I do anything to fix this?
> Yes.
> When you want a manpage to exactly fill the available terminal width,
> you can use an alias like this:
>   $ alias wman='man -Owidth=$COLUMNS'            # or
>   $ alias wman='man -Owidth=$((COLUMNS-2))'
> Of course, if you change the terminal width while man(1) is open,
> you will have to do: q Ctrl-p <enter> to reformat.
> I do *NOT* want to add SIGWINCH signal handling to man(1) to abort
> less(1), reformat, and respawn less(1) in that case.  That kind of
> magic would be over the top, and SIGWINCH is an abomination in the
> first place.
> If you are in the habit of always using 65-column terminals on a given
> machine, this is another option:
>   # echo output width 64 >> /etc/man.conf
> I *could* maybe teach man(1) to honour $COLUMN by default when
> starting up in interactive mode, but i did not do so for the following
> reasons:
>  * Many people are using terminals wider than 80 columns, but
>    texts get hard to read when much wider than that.  Very long
>    lines become hard to follow.  (That's why newspapers usually
>    have columns of even less than 80 characters, but they don't
>    have as much indentation as manual pages either.)

I'm not asking for this feature but CSS has max-width for cases like
this in HTML. It always fills the width until the maximum.

>  * Nowadays, i guess that terminals narrower than 80 columns
>    have become seriously rare, so there is not very widespread
>    benefit for that case.
>  * Even if someone does use a narrower terminal, formatting will
>    be somewhat poor with the matching -Owidth.  Some text, in
>    particular literal displays, will still overflow and wrap in
>    less(1), and text with large indentations will become
>    ridiculously narrow.
>    One thing jmc@ does is trying to make sure that pages do not
>    only read well, but also look visually nice, and much of that
>    work is optimized for the default -Owidth=78.
>    So even for narrower terminals, i'd rather leave the decision
>    to the user.
>  * Setting up an alias as explained above is quite easy.
> What i could maybe do is recognize "-Owidth=auto" and "output width
> auto" in man.conf(5) and use $COLUMNS in that case, but even that
> would require some additional code, and so far, i didn't notice
> much demand.
> > It is pre-formatted.
> Only in the sense than man(1) completes the formatting before it
> forks and executes less(1).  Only the manual pages of 25 (out of
> 9900) ports are still preformatted at port build time, and none in
> the base system and Xenocara are preformatted at system build time.
> Yours,
>   Ingo

Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado http://juanfra.info

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