On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 01:58:41PM +0100, Bernhard Lang wrote:
> > Just an idea: What about having MusiXTeX use macros instead of
> > registers? Sure, this would make musixtex.tex's coding somewhat more
> > complicated, especially where calculations are to be performed, but in
> > many situations, macros behave just like allocated registers. I've done
> > this change with musixlyr, and in the end I was surprised how little the
> > necessary code changes actually were.
> > [...]
> Wouldn't changing from registers to macros dramatically affect the speed?

I've got no evidence, but I don't expect any considerable performance
loss. TeX's macro mechanism is highly performant, thus expanding a short
macro shouldn't be much slower than looking up a register content.
(Perhaps it's even faster? I don't know ...)

> For typing short pieces this shouldn't be a problem. But for rather big
> scores? I remarked already that adding lyrics to a piece using musixlyr
> considerably slows down PMXing and TeXing.

That's regrettably true, but it has nothing to do with the
register/macro choice. It's a rather general property of musixlyr, based
on the fact that the necessary lyrics analysis (i.e. the splitting into
syllables) can be accomplished with TeX data structures only in
squared-degree, not linear, execution time (related to the length of
the lyrics input).

It shouldn't have any significance on PMXing, though.

Best regards,

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