I've tried a black-box substitution of the new proposed musixtex and
musixmad in a tex file using Type K postscript slurs, and it fails as

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (MiKTeX 2.1)
(moresl.tex (moreslurs/musixtexx.tex
MusiXTeX(c) T.112 +infinite slur ID number extention <3 Jan. 2003 +29 Aug.
) (C:\localtexmf\tex\generic\pmx\pmx.tex
PMX, a Preprocessor for MusiXTeX, Version 2.502a <29 March 04>
) (moreslurs/musixmadx.tex (moreslurs/musixaddx.tex
MusiXADDitional instruments T.99 <24 March 2000> +infinite slur ID number
tion <29 Aug 2004>
MusiXMore ADditional instruments T.99 <24 March 2000> +infinite slur ID
extention <29 Aug 2004>
) (C:\localtexmf\tex\generic\musixtex\musixps.tex
MusiXPS PostScript slurs, ties and crescendos 0.92 (12.5.2002)
! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ...al [EMAIL PROTECTED] \altportee \global
                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
l.30 \pnotes{4.00}\isluru0{'f}
                              \hl f\tslur0f\hl f\en%

If I haven't done anything stupid here, then it suggests the new files are
incompatible with Type K slurs. I would ask others to perform some similar
tests and report results to the list. If the new proposed files were 100%
compatible with Type-K postscript slurs then I would support making them
official (after a reasonable beta-test period). Otherwise, since I've
invested so heavily in making PMX use Type-K slurs, I could not personally
support such a change.

--Don Simons

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Hiroaki
> Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:28 AM
> Subject: [TeX-music] Enable over 12 slurs at the same time
> Hello all,
> I'm going to propose an extention for MusiXTeX:
> The extended version removes the limit number of slurs (normal:6,
> +musixadd:9, +musixmad:12) available at the same time;
> now we can use as many slurs as we want within TeX's capacity.
> Moreover, the extended version uses much less registers
> for slurs (\dimen, \skip, \count, \toks) than normal.
> To get the extended version, see
>     http://homepage1.nifty.com/kuuku/notation/index-e.html#infslur .
> A demo with 16 slurs at the same time (=the motivation to make this :-)
> is also available from there.
> I tried to keep the extention as compatible with normal T.112 as
> possible, but I'm afraid there may be imcompatibilities because of
> the modifications to MusiXTeX kernel.  At least my Type M PS-slurs
> is OK, but Type K PS-slurs is not tested yet.
> I think it should be discussed whether this extention can be
> officialy published or not.
> Comments, trial reports, and bug reports are welcome.
> Best regards,
> ----
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