I fear I didn't sent the most complicated example of two voices that must be
coded with inline TeX. I have a problem with beamed notes. I was fighting
two hours but am completely frustrated. The pitches of the PMX notes run
away and I get surprising results. In short words: I didn't understand it.

Would you be so kind and help with this small excerpt? The second phrase
should look like the first one except the rest. But the beam runs up and the
TeX beams don't close.

Best regards,

1 1
4 4 0 6
0 0 0 6
16 0

rb2 rb4 [l a82 a ] | a2 r2 //
r2 r4 [u a83 a ] | a2 rb2 /

r2 r4  \ibl1{'A}0\zqb1{A}\ [u a82 \ztqb1{`A}\ a83 ] | \zhl{'A}\ a22u rb2 /

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