Dear Friends,


I've recently sent announcements for several cave and karst conferences that
will happen in Europe next year, and here are a couple more. As always,
please share this information with anyone you think may be interested and
contact the people listed below for more information.


And you have my best wishes for the holidays and new year.







11-14 September 2012 - TUI, GALICIA, SPAIN

How old is pseudokarst: dating pseudokarst caves and forms


We would like to remind you the most important pseudokarst event in near
future and before the 16th International Congress of Speleology. So, all
speleologists and cavers interested in recent advances in non-karst caves'
exploration and research as well as who want to contribute to the
preparation of the pseudokarst part of the Congress should attend this

Symposium main themes: 

What is pseudokarst? - new and old definitions, classifications. 

Pseudokarst caves and their speleothems.  

Genesis and development of pseudokarst forms and caves. 

Dating pseudokarst caves and events.  

Scientific values and heritage related to pseudokarst. 

Pseudokarst: in magmatic rocks, in quartzitic sandstones and quartzites, in

Other topic in the field of pseudokarst may also be considered. 


The Symposium will be held in the village of Tui located 35 km south of
Vigo. The place of Symposium is situated in the Mińo river valley, at the
south part of the Galińeiro Sierra, a granite and riebeckite-gneiss


Pseudokarst Commission UIS

Clube Espeleóxico Mauxo 

Instituto Universitario de Xeoloxía "Isidro Parga Pondal", University of A

Data and contact 

All data on Symposium are at the webpage:

First circular: 

Contact: ,  <> 

Fax: (0034) 981167172 




Dear colleagues,


We would like to draw your attention on the following forthcoming Scientific
Session on Sinkholes at the General Assembly of EGU in Vienna, next April:


Session NH8.6

"SINKHOLES: from susceptibility to risk evaluation and mapping" 


at EGU General Assembly (Vienna, 22-27 April 2012)


Convened by: Mario Parise, Giulio Iovine, Stefania Nisio


Session Description

Sinkholes are widespread in many countries of the world, in several
geological and morphological settings, affecting distinct lithotypes either
in the detrital cover sequences or in bedrock outcrops. In particular, some
phenomena develop in geomorphological context characterized by plain areas
and notable detrital coverages, either made of sediments or colluvial or
residual terrains, thick even tens to hundreds of meters. In some cases, the
genetic mechanisms are poorly understood; they can be quite complex and
appear not directly connected with classical karstic processes. The recent
urban development and the increasing need of spaces for infrastructures in
areas potentially affected by sinkholes require a better comprehension in
terms of related susceptibility, hazard and risk.


The session aims to stimulate the discussion on the state-of-the-art of the
studies on the mentioned topic, with special regard to sinkholes in plain
not-karstic areas. Analyses of genetic mechanisms, methodological examples
of investigation, and case studies are welcome, as well as description of
techniques for evaluating susceptibility, hazard and risk.


Note: A selection of studies presented at this session will be considered
for publication in a special issue of a relevant international journal.


For info on how to submit an Abstract:


or go directly at:

choose Session NH8.6, and press "Abstract submission"


The deadline for the submission of Abstracts is 17 January 2012.


Further information about the EGU General Assembly 2012 can be found

at:, and information about
EGU itself can be found at


In case any technical questions arise, please contact us at For any questions relevant to the Session
organization please do not hesitate to contact me


We hope to see you in Vienna!


Best Regards,

Mario Parise and co-conveners




George Veni, Ph.D.

Executive Director

National Cave and Karst Research Institute

400-1 Cascades Avenue

Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215  USA

Office: 575-887-5517

Mobile: 210-863-5919

Fax: 575-887-5523


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