>From Mallory's mother:

Hi everyone, 

I love a day like today. I was so shocked when I walked into the room. I
came later than usual because I thought it would be a calm day after
yesterday and I had some of Mal's business to take care of. She was sleeping
peacefully and all the IV's were off, the ventilator was unplugged. I go up
and start talking to her and her eyes open and stay open and she blinks. She
also started moving. I was thrilled. Then the nurse came in and gave me the
update. I have to laugh at my ignorance and ignorance is bliss. The nurse
tells me they were able to X-ray her neck and would get results later in the
day. Apparently, the brace was in place because they could not tell if she
had any broken bones in her neck. They didn't want her to move and get
paralyzed. I'm glad I didn't know that. They had told me earlier the brace
was keeping all her tubes in place. Now that I think about it, I should have
questioned it, but frankly we have been facing so much, I didn't need to
worry about that too. It was a few longs hours waiting for the good news of
no broken bones. But the best news was no brain infection. I told Steve
share the news. We love the good news. This afternoon was rough for her. She
is coughing up the junk in her lungs and she is miserable, she makes these
bad faces. But it really is good for her. They have to suction occasionally
and clean the trachea tube. But they like she has a good vigorous cough.
Hemogobin level good. No need for extra blood, they had to give her some a
few days ago. White blood count getting lower. No sedation at all. Just
antibiotics and tube feeding. Keep it up, Mal. Please keep up the prayers.
She still needs them. Thanks for all your concern.Also, if anyone is
interested, Dr.Liao, who I think is just fabulous, showed a website to my
sister, Patti (who came for a few days) and me and printed out some
information for us. The site is Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation
Center. It has a listing of the levels a person goes through as they recover
from brain trauma.

Also, I wanted to update on Mal's friend. He has finally been added to this
list. His dad has been on it. But the mama hen in me did not want him to be
too stressed until he got better after his two surgeries. He is recovering,
has shooting pains at times in his legs, but getting better day by day. His
name is Rex Dean Rainach, Jr. His family has always called him Dean, but
after he got out of college, he went by Rex in the working world. I met him
as Rex and then his family was calling him Dean and those first few days, my
mind was addled and I struggled with the name change. So we changed his name
again. In Avoyelles Parish, French is still around to some degree. People
call each other T whatever, meaning little. How it is spelled is
questionable, but it is short for petite. Our kids call each other T-Cal,
T-Mal. So we decided to call him T-Rex. Then we realized that is the
abbreviation for a dinosaur. Anyway, I like the name but eventually we will
have to figure what he wants to be called. He has been calling most days
when he wasn't in surgery. I would sugarcoat at first but came clean today
and laid things out. Frankly, I think his dad already did and he had to
figure it out after all this time. But I will always be a protective mom.
And my daughter's friends get my momma loving also. Have a good night or

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