As cavers we have a special interest in civil rights and particularly the right of association with foreigners, of travel, and not to have a policy that isolates the US from the rest of the world. The Zeitgeist video implies that the 9/11 disaster was orchestrated by the administration as an excuse to curtail our civil rights. To tie the defense of civil rights to 9/11 conspiracy theories is a disservice to the defense of civil rights. To get into the type of arguments they present about who is responsible for 9/11 appears to me to be an exercise in futility. The producers of Zeitgeist are the true beliers and conspiracy is their religion. But the administration that says, "trust me" you are in danger and we are doing only what is necessary is even worse (and they were elected.)

And, their critique of Christianity because of its similarity to previous religions is not compelling. The problem with Noah's ark is not that other religions had floods with an ark, but that someone gathering all the animals of the world and building a boat to put them in strikes many people as a project unlikely to be successful. Bill Russell
William Hart Russell
4806 Red River Street
Austin, TX  78751
H: 512-453-4774 (messages)
CELL:  512-940-8336

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