And Express News had to append this at the end of each and
every photo caption:

"The cave had been closed for 18 months after a student became trapped and
had to be rescued by firefighters."

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 9:51 AM Geary Schindel <>

> Folks,
> I have a caving post.
> I want to say how impressed I was with Lindsey Adamonski, Joe Mitchell,
> and Joe Ranzau and the many many volunteers that worked on the Robber Baron
> Open House. It was an outstanding event and incredibly well organized. Also
> for Elaine and Rob Bissett for organizing the After Open House party and
> degassing. I know that many cavers drove from Austin and Houston to attend
> the event as well as all the cavers from the San Antonio area. It is always
> great to see cavers - young and old to volunteer to support caves and
> caving events. THANK YOU.
> I understand that more than 700 folks visited the cave, it was a major
> fund raiser which will go back into the caving community, and that there
> was some great outreach by many of the organizations present including the
> TSA, Bexar Grotto, TCMA, TSP, Master Naturalists, EAA, etc. Here is a link
> to an article in the San Antonio Express News you all may want to see.
> Make sure that you click through the photos and see the one of Mio Kitano
> who is covered in the Express News on a regular basis (I think she needs an
> agent).
> I've been working with some of the folks in the Huntsville area to hold a
> similar event in Shelta Cave in Huntsville, Alabama. The Robber Baron Open
> House is a great model.
> Thanks,
> Geary M. Schindel
> President
> National Speleological Society
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