Hi Anthony:

On Jul 20, 10:26 pm, Anthony Muscio <anthony.mus...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This could be close to what you are after.

Well I really want to use the drop down list to open the story
tiddlers rather than creating explicit links/buttons. The drop down
list reduces the amount of space needed for the user to see the
chapters/presentation/quizzes and also is automatically maintained.  I
did use your method originally, but found it a pain as too much
scrolling was needed to find the section I wanted to open and I kept
forgetting to add new sections to the list.

> I have a set of Canned Stories that I can re-save, including that
> for default tiddlers, and have modified the unmodifiable titles with
> the rename button macro. The rename button macro came from
> http://tw.lewcid.org/#HoverMenuPlugin

Hmm, looks like tw.lucid.org is kind of broken right now. Getting a
python traceback from there.

> I have a Tiddler in my Right Hand Side menu, opened by a slider,
> that reads;
> <<openStory BOD "BOD" tooltip>> <<storyViewer BOD list onlybuttons>>
> [[View/Edit|BOD]]
> <<openStory MOD "MOD" tooltip>> <<storyViewer MOD list onlybuttons>>
> [[View/Edit|MOD]]
> <<openStory EOD "EOD" tooltip>> <<storyViewer EOD list onlybuttons>>
> [[View/Edit|EOD]]
> ----
> Save open tiddlers as;
> <<saveStory>><<renameButton 'Default Tiddlers' 'Set open tiddlers as Default
> tiddlers'>>
> <<saveStory SavedStory>><<renameButton SavedStory 'Set open tiddlers in
> SavedStory'>> Open <<openStory SavedStory "SavedStory" tooltip>>
> <<saveStory BOD>><<renameButton BOD 'Set open tiddlers in Beginning of
> day'>>
> <<saveStory MOD>><<renameButton MOD 'Set open tiddlers in Middle of day'>>
> <<saveStory EOD>><<renameButton EOD 'Set open tiddlers in End of day'>>
> ----
> [[Edit|Stories]]

Nice feature with the button renaming though.

This does address the ability to have multiple story types by creating
the lists manually, but again I would prefer to not have to do that

However this doesn't seem to address the location where the new
tiddlers are opened does it? Or am I just missing something.

-- rouilj

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