An observation

If I include the codemirror plugins relating to HTML I get a Red Javascript 

This needs to be considered if upgrading, but codemirror is superior to the 
default editor.


On Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 6:58:48 AM UTC+11, PMario wrote:
> Hi George, 
> On Monday, March 9, 2020 at 4:02:13 PM UTC+1, bluespire wrote:
> ...
>> Maybe I missed the documentation on how to update Codemirror for 
>> Tiddlywiki.
> It has to be done by one of the plugin maintainers. Most of the time the 
> cm-libraries that are part of the files directory, have to be updated _AND_ 
> tested. Codemirror is "ultra modular". So each functionality is separated 
> into 1 js module. Most of the time such a module is only 1 part of a new 
> function. eg: autocomplete.
> In TW codemirror.js is the main plugin, that you always have to use. It 
> basically contains the main library and a minimal set of CM addOns that are 
> needed. 
> eg: codemirror-autocomplete contains several other cm-modules like: 
> anyword-hint.js, css-hint.js, html-hint.js .... and so on. PLUS CSS and 
> some configuration, that is needed within TW.
> codemirror-closebrackets contains closebrackets.js and matchbrackets.js 
> ... + config. 
> As you can see, there is quite some manual work needed, to create a new 
> version for TW. Since the maintainer has to test every feature separately 
> and in combination with other tw-cm-plugins installed. 
> Especially the configurations have to be right, to create a plug-and-play 
> experience for newbie users. 
>> The one in the official repo looks pretty out of date, but also looks 
>> like some decent work went into porting it. What's the easiest way to 
>> update it?
> You are right. There has been much energy put into the system, to make it 
> easy to use. Especially the "autoconfig" feature needed much attention. 
> ...  TW 5.1.21 uses codemirror elements based on cm V5.37.0 
> I did have a look at the github release history. ... Most of the fixes 
> between 5.52.0 which is the latest version and the version we use is mode 
> updates (most of them not part of the TW distro atm.) and some edge case 
> fixes. 
> *So is there major function, that you miss in the current TW version, 
> which makes it impossible for you to use it. *
> Or is it just the need to "have to use the latest and greatest" ...
> have fun!
> mario

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