The code you're showing worries me a bit, because it isn't a macro. 
Hopefully you were just doing a quick paste?

The tiddler that you cloned and renamed, needs to have the 
tag removed. That should make the sidebar work OK.

Hopefully that will do it. If not, it might be time to scratch this 

Good luck

-- Mark

On Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at 1:30:00 PM UTC-8, 
> Mark,
> So I took your suggestion and lifted the code from the macro into my own 
> TiddlyWiki, and ended up with this:
> <div class="tc-sidebar-lists">
> <$set name="searchTiddler" value="$:/temp/searchjournal">
> <div class="tc-search">
> <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/searchjournal" type="search" tag="input" 
> focus={{$:/config/Search/AutoFocus}} focusPopup=<<qualify 
> "$:/state/popup/search-dropdown">> class="tc-popup-handle"/>
> <$reveal state="$:/temp/searchjournal" type="nomatch" text="">
> <$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Hint}} 
> aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}} 
> class="tc-btn-invisible">
> <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/advancedsearch" 
> text={{$:/temp/searchjournal}}/>
> <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/searchjournal" text=""/>
> <$action-navigate $to="$:/AdvancedSearch"/>
> {{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}
> </$button>
> <$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
> <$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/searchjournal" text="" />
> {{$:/core/images/close-button}}
> </$button>
> <$button popup=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/search-dropdown">> 
> class="tc-btn-invisible">
> {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}
> <$list 
> filter="[{$:/temp/searchjournal}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]"
> variable="listItem">
> <$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count 
> filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
> {{$:/language/Search/Matches}}
> </$set>
> </$list>
> </$button>
> </$reveal>
> <$reveal state="$:/temp/searchjournal" type="match" text="">
> <$button to="$:/AdvancedSearch" 
> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Hint}} 
> aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}} 
> class="tc-btn-invisible">
> {{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}
> </$button>
> </$reveal>
> </div>
> <$reveal tag="div" class="tc-block-dropdown-wrapper" 
> state="$:/temp/searchjournal" type="nomatch" text="">
> <$reveal tag="div" class="tc-block-dropdown tc-search-drop-down 
> tc-popup-handle" state=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/search-dropdown">> 
> type="nomatch" text="" default="">
> <$list 
> filter="[{$:/temp/searchjournal}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]"
> emptyMessage="""<div class="tc-search-results">
> {{$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort}}</div>""" variable="listItem">
> {{$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultListDate}}
> </$list>
> </$reveal>
> </$reveal>
> </$set>
> </div>
> As you can see, I named my clone of the results 
> list $:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultListDate.
> I now have a search bar that sorts its results by date created.
> *But...*
> Now when I type a term into the original search bar on the right, the 
> results are shown with two tabs at the top. Both are named "List". The 
> first tab sorts the results by title, as they have always been. When I 
> click on the second List tab, the results are sorted by date created. 
> Did I enable sortable search results the moment I created the tiddler 
> $:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultListDate?
> Thank you.

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