> Just bought a Tbolt but cannot put it into operation. After a factory
> reset the Tboltmon gets stuck in Aug 22,1999 and the Self-Survey
> Progress at 1%. The following warnings in yellow: 

How long have you waited?  How good is your antenna location?

The self survey takes a long time.  Several hours would be reasonable.

> The active antenna seems to be OK and the SV numbers change slow and
> randomly in each channel. 

If you get SV info, that means that you are seeing some satellites so the 
antenna is probably not broken.

If it hasn't finished by now, you probably need a better location for the 

The Progress should go up regularly.  It may go up for a while and then stop 
for a while as the satellites go in/out of good-enough positions.

The Self Survey is trying to figure out where your system is located.  It 
averages over many (1000?) samples.  It probably only uses "good" ones.  You 
need 4 satellites to determine your location and the time.  Sometimes, even 
if you can see 4, they are not located in a useful pattern.  (For example if 
they are all in a line, you can't tell how far off to the side of that line 
you are.)

After it knows where it is, it changes modes and solves for time only.  That 
allows it to keep working with only 1 satellite.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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