On 2/23/11 4:48 AM, Bob Camp wrote:

Hop rates below 1,000 per second are far more common in simple systems than 
anything faster than that. At VHF, you are looking at a everybody being within 
one hop of each other. That makes the idea of a GPS based code start fairly 


yes.. back in the day, people had proposed various "time of day" sync strategies, but they all seemed require more complexity and mass than it was worth. (you could add a manpack sized GPS receiver to a manpack sized radio) There were a lot of interesting schemes proposed for things like clock syntonization so the hops/chips stay in phase. And, given the usual application of SS links in the 70s and 80s (Skywalker sound excepted) there was a lot of thought to the jammability and/or jam-resistance of such schemes. Most SS systems have a generalized vulnerability during acquisition, since you don't have any process gain until you've acquired sync. (parallel sync schemes help a huge amount, because you might be able to reject "false locks", while a serial sync scheme might decide to lock on the wrong thing if it hits it first in the search... sort of a global vs local minima thing)

These days, though, with ubiquitous GPS and very tiny, low power GPS receivers, it would be very attractive. Getting 1 microsecond sync would be trivial (after computing the nav solution).

And, if you want to be clever, if you've already implemented hardware correlators and code space searchers, you could use GPS to get an initial approximate phase for a fast Direct Sequence system, and then use the same hardware to acquire the signal of interest.

By the way, the usual terms of art for frequency hoppers are "slow" and "fast" hoppers, differentiated by whether the hop rate is slower or faster than the symbol rate. For an example of exactly in the middle, there were (are?) a raft of schemes for MFSK where the constellation was much larger than needed for the number of bits per symbol (say you're encoding 4 bits per symbol, and you have 2000 possible frequencies).

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