Hi All,

I've heard much talk in this group about the power supplies on the Z3805.
After about 10 days with no power here on Long Island (thanks Sandy.), I
finally fired up my Z3805.  It started producing a real bad smell after a
few hours, the classic burnt transformer type.  This is my second Z3805 and
it didn't smell the first time  ran it, nor did my first one smell.  I
opened the unit and found the 25W 5V, +/-15V (made by AT&T) was real, real


Eventually the smell went away and the supply cooled down a bit.  The unit
reports all OK,  is tracking SATs, and running properly.  IMHO It seems this
supply was not properly derated for start-up conditions.  Is this the supply
driving the heater inside the 10811?  Has anybody installed a CPU
heatsink/fan combination to help in thermal management?  


Any insight would be appreciated.



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