Just visited site. 3million hits on
10811 manuals. We're that many made:-)?

On 2019-07-23 05:01, Charles Steinmetz wrote:
Rick wrote:

Basically, no counter that we ever made AFAIK had
any provision for EFC.

The later HP5328 "oscillator helper" boards have EFC pots for fine
tuning the timebase frequency.  This includes the US military versions
that are so prevalent in the US.  I have schematics showing this with
both the 10544 (support board 05328-60027) and 10811 (support board
05328-60038) oscillators (production shifted from the 10544 to the
10811 during the 5328's run).

These work fine, but one can easily build an EFC circuit with much
better drift characteristics (i.e., first-order temperature
compensation).  I published such a circuit some time ago and posted it
to this list at least once.  My circuit also reduces the EFC
adjustment range to make it easier to adjust precisely.

That circuit is on Didier's site (ko4bb.com).  Search for a doc named
"HP 10544 10811 EFC fine adjustment.pdf".

Best regards,


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