> business but it just wasn't enough for me.  I have heard that Psychology
> ranks either number one or two in college majors today.  It is a shame
> because you basically cannot do anything with a Psychology B.A.  Because
> Donette Steele M.A.

Interesting. I'm not interested in debating the 'value' of a degree and
exactly how that his defined but I did want to address this point briefly.

At the college where I am currently teaching, we have an independent study
requirement, that is, in their senior year the students have a field work
experience. Placements vary about as much as they should with of course
(much to my dismay *sigh*) the majority being in clinical settings. Many of
our students do go on to graduate school (not the _worst_ way to spend a
few years) but many also FIND JOBS either where they were placed, or in
some similar job due to their experience.

The "do you want fries with that" assumption about a bachelors degree in
psychology is overstated, but I do sleep a little better knowing that
students who come here may actually find gainful employment. Hey, we can't
all be computer scientists.  ;-)

A whole post without profanity OR an insult.

On the road to recovery,
Dave  ;-)

David J. Bennett Ph.D.        Voice: 617/521-2603
Department of Psychology   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Simmons College
300 The Fenway                               ObQuote:
Boston, MA  02115          "Life does not cease to be funny when people
FAX: 617-521-3086         die any more than it ceases to be serious when
                                          people laugh."
                                                            -George Bernard

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