> >Practical Goal Orientation: 94
> >Cognitive/Self Orientation: 55  (32 of these also picked the first category)
> >Other:                       1
> Actually, I'm pleasantly surprised at these numbers.  It seems that a significant 
>number of students at your school go to college for the "right" reasons, though I 
>wonder if some degree of social desirability/demand characteristics are entering into 
>your data.  My sense is that if I were to carry out the survey at my campus I would 
>get a more lopsided view of college overwhelmingly favoring a credentialling approach 
>to college.

        Like Miguel, I also was pleasantly surprised.  On the way home
tonight the car radio carried an ad for a university near here stating,
"Learning is life-long, but a degree should not take a life-time," after
which they pitched their 15 month bachelor's degree in business--giving
mucho credit for experience of course!  I am sure many students value
learning for its own sake, but it's just not for them. A few older
students come back for the education they missed when they were
hurrying to get their degree.  I try to support all students, but relish
those few with the desire to learn.   Gary Peterson

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