Jim Clark commented:

> I wonder if Stephen asked his class what they thought about
> instructors who ask their class ... repeatedly ... about quixotic
> things not relevant to the course?  [Just a joke, as I suspect
> that Stephen might not even have asked his class!]

Nah, of course I didn't. My point was satirical, and Jim's point 
actually supports mine.  We should also remember Beth's response, 
which was that it's easy to elicit any reaction you want provided you 
misrepresent to the class what the thread was about (she was 
more subtle than I am, but that's the gist, I believe).  All-in-all 
"I asked my class" is a dubious technique for suspect motives. 

Personally, I much prefer discussing the red ink question to 
discussing whether the red ink question is worth discussing. 
Actually, I thought Beth's question was interesting and appropriate, 
as were the comments that followed from it (including my own, natch).
I can't say the same for the disparaging and "me too"  posts". 

Stephen Black                         e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Psychology   phone: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Bishop's University                 fax: (819) 822-9661
Lennoxville, Quebec
J1M 1Z7

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