Okay, enough already!!!!!!!  Can I just say that I am soooooo sick
of these posts!!!  Can we please end this topic???  I have takled with
quite a few of my colleaques and we all sick of the topic on the list!
Everybody has made their point (more than once, or even twice!) and it
pretty obvious that there is not going to be an agreement on the topic.  I
think Rick Adams was correct in saying that if you don't like the posts
then delete them without reading.  But, noooo we cannot do that because
the temptation is there and we must read, but if you give into the
temptation do you really have any right to complain.  Okay, you can give
your two cents, but then that should be enough!!!!!  This bantering back
and forth is getting quite old!  I think sometimes we are all a bunch of
control freaks who want to get the last word in.  I used to do this when I
was younger with my father.  he would tell me that he didn't want to hear
another word and I would say, "okay.", therefore, getting the last word

Nina L. Tarner                            $
Animal Learning/Physiological Psychology  $       Kansas State University
Department of Psychology                  $        Manhattan, KS. 66506
539 Bluemont Hall                         $         (785) 532-6850 (msg)
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     $         (785) 532-7004 (fax)

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