According to the work of Linda Bartoshuk (1993), the taste buds are not
really divided. The "tongue map" showing areas supposedly most sensitive to
taste was based on a misleading graph published in 1942 and it is simply,
wrong. The four basic tastes can be perceived at any spot on the tongue that
has receptors, and differences among the areas are small.  (see Wade and
Tavris, Psychology, 5th ed. p. 231)
Patrick Mattimore. South San Francisco High School
-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 7:07 PM
Subject: Exotic Spices

>No I haven't deteriorated to posting soft core porn to the list.  This is
> Sense and Perception unit.  In discussing the division of the taste buds -
>sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, a student asked what areas of the tongue
>registered the really exotic and strong spices.  I told her that I
>that these spices would register combinations of the basic four, but also
>told her (because that was just a good guess) that I would confirm with the
>more knowledgable folks in the field.
>So, was my guess good, or is there more/more accurate information I can
>to this student?
>Thanks so much.
>Nancy J. Melucci
>Utility Infielder/B&SS
>El Camino College
>Torrance, CA

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