Ok I know this is a longshot, but if any TIPSters are involved with
master's level (or even doctoral level I suppose) graduate programs in
clinical psych, what is the rationale for making Intellectual Assessment a
prerequisite for Personality Assessment? We're looking to abolish the
prerequisite so that students entering in the spring (we allow entry in any
semester) can take personality assessment (which is only offered in the
spring) immediately and progress more efficiently through the program. My
dept head suggested we find out what others in this area do, and thus, my
strange request.
If this is too dull, too unrelated to political maelstroms, or whatever,
post to me off-list. Thanks!
David W.
David Wasieleski, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA 31698

"Thinking is the hardest work there is,
which is probably the reason so few engage in it."
    --Henry Ford

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