Hi Tipsters,

Just passing on a student question that I couldn't answer (in spite of
personal experience).  Why does morning sickness tend to stop after about
12 weeks of pregnancy?  A related question came up during the discussion
and speculation that followed.  Why is morning sickness more common with
a female than with a male fetus?  I remembered from reading the report of
this phenomenon that the researchers speculated that morning sickness
could provide protection from teratogens in food and that the
differential rate of spontaneous abortion could be in part due to the
greater protection provided to female fetuses by morning sickness.  

Thanks in advance for your answer(S).  I'll be glad when I can stop
kicking myself for giving the What to Expect When Your Expecting book to

Ann Calhoun-Sauls
Associate Professor & Chair
Department of Psychology
Belmont Abbey College

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