Steve Milliser wrote:

> A colleague of mine is interested in locating a test
> (standardized preferred) of student knowledge and/or
> attitudes regarding science (science in general rather than
> any specific discipline) and scientific method. He would like
> to use such an instrument as a pre-test and post-test at the
> start and end of a semester long course.

        The journal Science Education may be a gold mine for that colleague. The
studies I'm familiar with are:

Aikenhead, G. S., & Ryan, A. G. (1992). The development of a new instrument:
"Views on Science-Technology-Society" (VOSTS). Science Education, 76,

Ryan, A. G., & Aikenhead, G. S. (1992). Students' preconceptions about the
epistemology of science. Science Education, 76, 559-580.

        The VOSTS instrument is said to measure students' beliefs and attitudes as
viewed through a "science-technology-society" lens, which apparently is a
common notion in science education.

        There is also a "Test of Science Related Attitudes" (TOSRA) reported in

Rampal, A. (1992). Images of science and scientists: A study of school
teachers' views. 1. Characteristics of scientists. Science Education, 76,

        Sounds like your colleague oughta grab that particular volume.   :)

Paul Smith
Alverno College

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