One of my courses requires students to conduct a study. One student wishes
to conduct a study using television ads and wants to measure changes of
self-perception. I told her that I didn't think IRB would particularly care
for this idea since one group is to get commercials that may promote
negative self images, but, she has decided to let the IRB determine if she
can do this study. She has 3 groups - one shown ads to promote positive
self-image, one control, and one negative self-image. Yesterday I received
the following note from her (see below). Does anyone have a scale that I
can give to her to use?

Dr. Briihl,

You asked me in class the other day what I am looking for.  I want to
measure a change whether positive or negative in self esteem or self
perception after being influenced by the media.

Something along the line of:

Do you think that you are beautiful?
Do you think that you are smart?
Do you think that you are worthwhile?
Do you think that your talents are useful?
Do you like your self?
Do you ever become depressed because of your appearance?


Deborah S. Briihl                       There are as many
Dept. of Psychology and Counseling      ways to live as 
Valdosta State University               there are people in
Valdosta, GA 31698-0100                 this world and each
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    deserve a closer
Now in new Assoc. size!                 look..

You got so many dreams you don't know where to put them, so you better turn
a few of them loose... Fire

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