While I was discussing dyslexia,a student mentioned in class that quite
frequently she would find herself phrasing words in the incorrect
Instead of saying to her boyfriend,"put the pizza in the oven",it would
come out as "put the oven in the pizza". Another example she gave was
"dog hot" instead of "hot dog".
She said that she has had this problem since childhood and she is unable
to control it. According to her,this verbal behavior shows up in periods
of high stress and anxiety.
She is not dyslexic. She wanted to know if there was a name for 
this behavior that she was unable to control.
I told her that this is the first time I have heard of this.
Are any tipsters aware or familiar with this?
Seems like a cross between verbal dyslexia and Tourettes'.

Michael Sylvester
Daytona Beach,Florida

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