I received this from another list, and thought TIPsters might find it
of interest. For once, an organization is showing some common sense.
Too bad it's not the APA.

The Philadelphia Inquirer
Wednesday, November 17, 1999

Despite stir, sex-abuse study won't be reviewed. Some saw the work as
pro-pedophilia. A group asked to review it said it could find no
reason to.

By Stacey Burling

The American Psychological Association has abandoned plans to
commission an independent review of a controversial child sex-abuse
study after the nation's largest scientific organization refused to
examine the work, saying it has "grave concerns" over "politicization"
of the study's conclusions.

The APA promised to ask for the review just before a resolution
condemning the study unanimously passed both houses of Congress last
summer. The study, written by researchers from Philadelphia and
Baltimore, had become a cause celebre among conservative groups and
talk-show hosts "Dr. Laura" Schlessinger and Dom Giordano, both heard
locally on WWDB.

The research, which was published in an APA journal, concluded that
the long-term effects of child sexual abuse are not as serious as many
believe and that scientists should classify sexual encounters between
adults and children according to the age and "willingness" of the
child. The report was based on an analysis of 59 previous studies
involving college students who had been sexually abused before the age
of 18. Conservative groups argued that the study was an attempt to
legitimize pedophilia, or sex between adults and children, and that it
could be used to justify child abuse in court.

Faced with the criticism, the psychological association took the
extraordinary step in June of publicly distancing itself from the
research, saying that its leaders disagreed with the conclusions and
that it should have considered the "social-policy implications" of the
paper before publishing it. The APA said it would ask an independent
organization, the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
to reexamine the validity of the study, which already had gone through
the process of peer review.

'No clear evidence' The AAAS told the APA that it would not review the
study last month, said Rhea Farberman, an APA spokeswoman. She said
the APA had no "immediate plans" to ask any other organization to do
the review. It does still plan to publish several articles on child
sexual abuse, including critiques of the controversial study, in an
issue of another APA journal sometime next year.

In his letter to the APA, Irving Lerch, a physicist who chairs the
AAAS Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility, said his
committee saw "no reason to second guess the process of peer review."
Although it did not do a thorough review of the study and cautioned
that its decision not to take on that project should not be seen as an
endorsement, the committee also "saw no clear evidence of improper
application of methodology or other questionable practices on the part
of the article's authors." Controversy about the study would best be
resolved, the letter said, by more research and discussions among
scientists in the field.

In an interview, Lerch had harsh words for some of the critics.
'Distorting' "Some of the political statements were clearly
self-serving," he said. "I think some politicians tried to inflame or
cash in on public sentiment by purposely distorting what the authors

The study was written by Bruce Rind, an adjunct professor at Temple
University; Philip Tromovich, a University of Pennsylvania graduate
student; and Robert Bauserman, who is now an AIDS-prevention
researcher for the Maryland Department of Health and Hygiene. The
authors have said they never meant for their study to condone child
abuse or to imply that children can give legal consent to sex with
adults. Tromovich and Rind yesterday said they saw the AAAS decision
as vindication of their work. "Their comments indicate to me that they
consider our work to be up to par," Tromovich said.

But the AAAS decision carried little weight at the office of Rep. Matt
Salmon (R., Ariz.), one of the sponsors of the resolution condemning
the study. "I think my boss would say, 'I don't think you need to hire
an outside expert to know that sex with children is wrong,' " press
secretary Tom Puglia said. ==== end ====

Stephen Black, Ph.D.                      tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology                  fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University                    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC           
J1M 1Z7                      
Canada     Department web page at http://www.ubishops.ca/ccc/div/soc/psy
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