I pulled this one off the shelf: Adams, Douglas (1986).  _ The
More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide _.  This is an anthology
containing all 5 books in the "trilogy" as of 1986.  I don't know
if he has added to the trilogy since then.

1. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
3. Life, the Universe and Everything
4. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
5. Young Zaphod Plays it Safe

> I think "Thanks for all the fish" (the book) was billed, amusingly,
> as "part 4 of a trilogy" or something like that. If you come back
> to us, one day, you could set a record -- part 5.
>     -David
> ===========================================================
>         David G. Likely, Department of Psychology,
>         University of New Brunswick
>         Fredericton,  N. B.,  E3B 5A3  Canada
> History of Psychology:
>  http://www.unb.ca/web/psychology/likely/psyc4053.htm
> ===========================================================

-David Wheeler, Ph.D., CMT
 Associate Professor, Psychology
 Robert Morris College
 Pittsburgh PA USA
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monetary gains and this signature file is included.
Remember, the Earth is a place, earth is dirt.  See how silly
this looks: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, earth, Venus, Mercury

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