At 01:13 PM 2/15/2000 -0600, Jean Edwards wrote:
This must be my semester for the weird stuff. Today, in relation to the brain and the breathing reflex, a couple of students informed me that babies "forget" to breathe. I mentioned SIDS.. nope that wasn't it. I mentioned sleep apnea.. nope, not that either. Their pediatricians advised them that babies forget to breathe...that's the most I could get from them. I told them

My guess is that the pediatrician said something to the effect of "it is like the baby forgets to breathe" while describing something else. Then there is the phrase I hear periodically (though not recently now that I think about it) "Don't forget to breathe." So, these two things combined and what was remembered out of context was simply "the baby forgets to breathe." My guess on the situation.

But, in case this does in fact happen to be true, here's my question: what is the best way (or any way) to remind the baby to breathe?

Don't forget to breath...
- Marc
G. Marc Turner, MEd
Lecturer & Head of Computer Operations
Department of Psychology
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX 78666
phone: (512)245-2526

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