On Sun, 9 Apr 2000 10:20:27 -0500 Chuck Huff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> TIPS folks might want to look at http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/psych/122/
> for some ideas about doing labs in the introduction to psychology 
> course.  This lab manual is the outcome of an NSF funded CCLI project 
> to design a lab based introduction to psychology.

A few weeks ago I posted a request asking for info on lab experiences that
folks would be willing to share. We are in the process of completing a CCLI
Adaptation and Implementation proposal and would love to include materials
that were developed by others  - especially those developed with 
previously funded CCLI grants. I did not not receive any replies (not 
characteristic of TiPS :-) but also don't remember if I saw it posted so, 
maybe it never made it to the list. In any case, since the topic was 
mentioned it above, I thought I's post a request again. In advance, thanks 
for any help. --SLS
+    _----_    Sherry L. Serdikoff, Ph.D.                 +
+   *      *   School of Psychology                       + 
+  * O    O *  James Madison University                   +
+  *        *  MSC 7401                       {)__(}      +
+   *(.  .)*   Harrisonburg, VA 22807          (oo)       +
+     \  /     E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -o0o-=\/=-o0o-  +
+      \/      Telephone:  540-568-7089                   +
+              FAX Number: 540-568-3322                   +

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