Rob, Medical schools will sometimes donate them or offer them at reduced
rates, no matter what the profession Stephen  ;-)  , especially if you
have a contact.  But I've gotten them through Med schools without
contacts.  Also, Carolina Biological sells sagittal sections in Formalin
for under $50  (1-800-334-5551; I know you can get
whole brains from other bio supply companies for $300-600, but I can't
remember right now.

Good luck,

Dani' K. Raap, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Alaska Fairbanks
P.O. Box 756480
Fairbanks, AK  99775-6480
(907)474-6514 - office
lab (907)474-6542
FAX (907)474-5781

Rob Flint wrote:
> Does anyone know where one might purchase a real human brain for minimal
> financial drain!
> I know that Carolina Scientific provides human brains sliced and imbedded in
> clear Plexiglas for $1000, but I would be just as happy with a whole brain.
> Thanks,
> Rob Flint
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert W. Flint, Jr., Ph.D.
> The College of Saint Rose
> Department of Psychology
> 432 Western Avenue
> Albany, NY  12203-1490
> Office: 518-458-5379
> Lab: 518-454-2102
> Fax: 518-458-5446
> Behavioral Neuroscience Homepage:
> Department of Psychology Homepage:

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