Thanks to all those who sent in reports of standardization. Here's a 
quick and sketchy run-down of the results.

* 7 schools have absolutely no standardization policies. (2 small 
state colleges, 2 medium sized state colleges, 2 small private 
liberal arts colleges, 1 large state college.) Of these five, one has 
an informal agreement between faculty for topics in their intro psych.

* 5 schools assign textbooks (i.e., the decision is not the 
individual faculty member's). One of these five assigns texts only 
for adjunct instructors, and three only for intro psych. In other 
words, at all but one school regular faculty teaching anything except 
intro psych select their own texts.

* 5 schools provide required objectives, but two of these apply only 
to intro psych. (1, 1 small private, 2 middle sized 
state - intro only, 1 large state - intro only.)

- 1 of those requiring objectives also has required methods of 
outcome assessment. 1 of those requiring objectives lists learning 
outcomes in addition to objectives.

* 1 small private school has standardized syllabus, text, schedule, 
and final exams for intro psych only. It is explained as a general 
education requirement at the school and standardized for that reason.

* 1 mid-sized state school requires courses to conform to the college 
catalogue descriptions.

* 1 large state school sets required topics for intro psych only.

* 1 of the small state schools listed as having no standardization is 
proposing a standard syllabus for intro psych only.

The numbers don't add up because a school might have been listed 
twice (e.g., as using a standard text in intro psych and having 
required objectives). A school-by-school run-down is available if 
anyone should want one. (It just lists them like: "middle-sized 
state, objectives/outcomes.")

(I categorized schools based on undergrad enrollments according to my 
old, 1995, college handbook, where under 3000 = small, 3000-10000 = 
medium, and over 10K = large.)

          --> Mike O.

  Michael S. Ofsowitz
   University of Maryland - European Division

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