Okay, my plan for the department seems to be progressing nicely, so I will
soon be in a position to purchase software for students (and faculty?) to
design and run studies in our computer lab. I know this software has been
discussed on-list in the past, but I can't seem to access the archives
(probably related to the fact TIPS will be in maintenance mode

Right now the only software I've actually looked at is SuperLab, but I know
there are alternatives. Can anyone give me opinions based on word of mouth
or better yet actually experience with the various packages available? I'm
hoping to move fairly quickly on the purchase since I know where the
department can get the funds right now.

The computers will be a mixture of Pentium III 500, 550, and 733 machines
all with at least 64 MB of RAM, 4-8MB video, 6-10GB hard drives. All
machines will be running Win98 Second Edition and also have installed SPSS
9 (possibly 10 by the time this actually happens) and Office 2000.

Students will be primarily juniors & seniors taking Cognitive, Research
Methods, etc. and are of average ability I would say. In Cognitive they
have been using MacLab for psychology, more specifically the Reaction Time
component of MacLab with reasonable success.

Any input is greatly appreciated. Also, remember that according to our
leader TIPS will be down for maintenance tomorrow (Wednesday) so please
send replies off-list and I will summarize later. Thanks again.

- Marc

G. Marc Turner, MEd
Lecturer & Head of Computer Operations
Department of Psychology
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX  78666
phone: (512)245-2526

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