On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, John W. Kulig wrote:

> . Call me a pessimist, but I have difficulty believing
one can escape one's
> cultural world-view this easily. It's easy accepting other cultures that are 
>similiar to ours.
> We also "accept" others that are quaint - so long as they pose no threat to ours. 
>But how does
> one embrace the polygamy of certain Middle Eastern cultures? The cultures that 
>prevent women
> from voting? The cultures that do not believe in secular government? The culture 
>that puts an
> assination contract on Rushdie? Cultural diversity - in the trenches - is a tough 
>kernel to
> digest.
     Australia ranks high on the male chauvinistic scale.
     The CIA tried to assassinate Castro and got rid of Salvador
     How about the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition?
     With all its emphasis on Technological advancement,the U.S
     has the highest rate of virtually all crimes:pedophilia,rape,
     murders and so on.
     Democratic appraches may not be the best fit.
     You are committing the fallacy of "One size fits all."


Michael Sylvester
Daytona Beach,Florida

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