On Wed, 25 Apr 2001, Harry Avis wrote:
> >Back in the dim past when I went to graduate school we were all required to
> >read Harry Halow (remember him?)'s article on how to write for publication.
> >He describes the reason for this cliche, it has been reproduced in Doing
> >Psychological Experiments, an experimetal text that I use from time to time
> >but do not have in my office. It is classic satire and ends with Harlow
> >mentioned that only the end of his tenure as editor of JCPP stopped him
> >from using a stamp he had ordered for submitted articles the stamps reads
> >"not read but rejected"

I dunno. Harlow, writing at a time when the animal rights
movement was less visible, also rashly said this in his piece:

"Most experiments are not worth doing and the data obtained
are not worth publishing".

Now this is taken out of context, and _we_ know he was joking.
But the animal rightists have had great success quoting these
words. They don't fail to note that they're from the eminent
editor of the foremost journal of animal research in psychology,
the past president of the American Psychological Association, and
a leading researcher with monkeys.

I think those lighthearted remarks have severely harmed the cause
of animal research.


Harlow, H. (1962). Fundamental principles for preparing
 psychology journal articles. Journal of comparative and
 physiological psychology, 55, 893-896.

Stephen Black, Ph.D.                      tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology                  fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University                    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC
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