I need help (don't we all!!??).

As a newer faculty member, one of the things I don't have a lot of
experience with is the generation of ideas for simple research projects
(for high schoolers, undergrad thesis, class projects, etc).  I've
worked on big grants in another field for so long, that I haven't got my
mind geared toward the simple.

What suggestions do you have for resources about HOW to generate ideas,
and/or about examples of topics that make for basic mentoring, and/or
how to help them come up with ideas.  I'm comfortable leading them to an
area of interest and replication studies, just not asking a novel

I've been the "trees" person for sooo long, I've forgotten how to
approach the forest!


Daní K. Raap, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology                (907)474-6514 - office 
University of Alaska Fairbanks          lab (907)474-6542
P.O. Box 756480                         FAX (907)474-5781
Fairbanks, AK  99775-6480               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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