We're considering moving from offering a B.A. in Psychology to offering
students the option of getting a B.S. in Psychology instead.  The possiblity
of only offering a B.S. has also been mentioned.  I'd like to get some info
from everyone on the situation at their university/college.  Please respond
to me off list.  If anyone is interested I'll be glad to e-mail you a
summary of my findings or post them to the list if there is a lot of
interest.  As always, thank you in advance for your time and assistance.

First - to everyone:

Does your psychology department offer a B.A. only, a B.S. only or both?

If your department offers both:

What are the differences in the requirements for the B.A. and the B.S?

What proportion of students opt for each degree?

What differences, if any, do you see between students who choose the B.A.
and students who choose the B.S.?

What, if any, advantages are there for students who opt for the B.S.?  for
the B.A.?

What, if any, disadvantages are there for students who opt for the B.S.?
for the B.A.?

What, if any, advantages (or disadvantages) are there for the department as
a whole as a result of offering both degrees?

Ann Calhoun-Sauls
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Psychology
Belmont Abbey College 

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