Joachim Strömbergson <> writes:

>When you say that "a Cortex M3 isn't going to be able to handle RSA-2048",
>what do you mean specifically? Considering that it is being done by for
>example SharkSSL [1], is supported by ARM mbed TLS (nee PolarSSL) [2] I fail
>to see what hardware limits you are seeing. Yes, the speed you get is not
>impressive (1-2 seconds to decrypt), but it might be ok, depending on your

It's not just RSA, it's DH as well (looking at the SharkSSL library link it
looks like it doesn't do DH at all, only RSA key transport).  I've seen PLCs
where DHE+RSA leads to handshake times of 10-15s (not an M3, I just use that
as a convenient mental model for an embedded CPU, this was using an industrial
Power SoC), which isn't a good thing when what you're trying to communicate is
an emergency shutdown command.

In these situations, crypto comes at about position 77 in the priority list,
with most of the previous ones taken up by "reliability" and "availability".
If you write a spec that in effect mandates a 15-second delay in communicating
commands to a controller, guess what vendors are going to do?

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