+1 for FIDO


> On May 24, 2022, at 01:11, Tim Cappalli 
> <Tim.Cappalli=40microsoft....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> You mentioned FIDO, but I didn't see a reason why you don't want to use it. 
> The industry has largely accepted the mature FIDO standards stack (WebAuthn & 
> CTAP) as the strong authentication method that replaces passwords in a 
> privacy preserving and phishing resistant manner.
> Why create something new, especially using technologies that are not very 
> user friendly?
> tim
> From: TLS <tls-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Phillip Hallam-Baker 
> <ph...@hallambaker.com>
> Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022 at 23:28
> To: tls@ietf.org <tls@ietf.org>
> Subject: [TLS] Better TLS Client Authentication
> I am looking for people interested in discussing the following proposal to 
> create a profile of TLS Client Authentication certificates to enable 
> transparent Web Site authentication in Philadelphia:
> I have a three step plan for eliminating Password Authentication
> 1) Deploy an open standards based, E2E secure password vault
> 2) Transition Web sites to use of public key authentication
> 3) Deploy a 2FA type scheme to address 'ceremony' use cases
> I don't want to get into detail here, but I believe the trick to eliminating 
> passwords is to deploy a password management solution in phase 1 that creates 
> a sufficiently large base of users whose devices are provisioned with the 
> necessary private keys to make use of public key auth practical.
> So, I had assumed that this was all about enabling FIDO. But when I look at 
> what I want to achieve and what legacy deployments provide, I suddenly 
> realized I can do everything I need using TLS client auth. The only question 
> is what the BEST way to do it is going to be.
> So I have running code that can provision key pairs and credentials to every 
> device Alice owns:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrBv717w8yY
> It would not take a great deal of extra effort to provision certificates into 
> the Windows/MAC/etc keystores so that IE, Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. 
> etc. can all make use of the certificates. Its just a question of writing a 
> script.
> I am pretty sure I can get 'something' to work. But I would appreciate some 
> help from folk who are closer to the real-world implementations. 
> Reading through the specs, I think we can make it so that after an (optional) 
> one time registration, Alice can just use the Web site without the need to 
> ever log in ever again.
> The only reason Alice would ever need to repeat registration is if the Web 
> Site had some policy requiring Alice to affirm that yes, this really is her 
> device and she agrees to terms. That is what I call 'ceremony' and it is not 
> an authentication issue. I have another way of addressing that issue.
> As far as I can tell, all that I really need is to write a certificate 
> profile for BTCA certificates.
> The thing that I am dropping here is the notion that certificates are bound 
> to anything other than a key. So all this is telling the site is that this is 
> the same person who came to the site before. It is not providing the user 
> credential PKIX is really all about.
> I do have some questions though. In particular whether using X.448/Ed448 
> certs is practical.
> The big downside to my current approach is that the certs that are used are 
> going to be super-linking identifiers. But we are currently losing that fight.
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