Lars Eggert has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-tls-subcerts-14: No Objection

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to 
for more information about how to handle DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


# GEN AD review of draft-ietf-tls-subcerts-14

CC @larseggert

Thanks to Elwyn Davies for the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) review

## Comments

### Section 6, paragraph 2
     This document also defines an ASN.1 module for the DelegationUsage
     certificate extension in Appendix A.  IANA has registered value 95
     for "id-mod-delegated-credential-extn" in the "SMI Security for PKIX
     Module Identifier" ( registry.  An OID for the
     DelegationUsage certificate extension is not needed as it is already
     assigned to the extension from Cloudflare's IANA Private Enterprise
     Number (PEN) arc.
See Martin Duke's comment on using the Cloudflare space; I have the same

### Inclusive language

Found terminology that should be reviewed for inclusivity; see for background and more

 * Term `man`; alternatives might be `individual`, `people`, `person`
 * Term `invalid`; alternatives might be `not valid`, `unenforceable`, `not
   binding`, `inoperative`, `illegitimate`, `incorrect`, `improper`,
   `unacceptable`, `inapplicable`, `revoked`, `rescinded`

### IP addresses

Found IP blocks or addresses not inside RFC5737/RFC3849 example ranges:
`` and ``.

## Nits

All comments below are about very minor potential issues that you may choose to
address in some way - or ignore - as you see fit. Some were flagged by
automated tools (via, so there
will likely be some false positives. There is no need to let me know what you
did with these suggestions.

### Typos

#### Section 4.2, paragraph 1
-    This documnt defines a new X.509 extension, DelegationUsage, to be
+    This document defines a new X.509 extension, DelegationUsage, to be
+              +

### Outdated references

Reference `[RFC5246]` to `RFC5246`, which was obsoleted by `RFC8446` (this may
be on purpose).

### Grammar/style

#### Paragraph 2
his document describes a mechanism to to overcome some of these limitations
Possible typo: you repeated a word.

#### Section 5.1, paragraph 1
tial's private key is thus important and access control mechanisms SHOULD be
Use a comma before "and" if it connects two independent clauses (unless they
are closely connected and short).

#### Section 6, paragraph 1
f early revocation. Since it is short lived, the expiry of the delegated cre
This word is normally spelled with a hyphen.

#### Section 7, paragraph 1
ime could be unique and thus privacy sensitive clients, such as browsers in i
This word is normally spelled with a hyphen.

## Notes

This review is in the ["IETF Comments" Markdown format][ICMF], You can use the
[`ietf-comments` tool][ICT] to automatically convert this review into
individual GitHub issues. Review generated by the [`ietf-reviewtool`][IRT].


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