On Fri, May 27, 2022 at 6:27 AM Robert Moskowitz <rgm-...@htt-consult.com>

> Is there any activity to define SCHC rules for DTLS?

Not to my knowledge.


> I want this for Unmanned Aircraft (UA) Network Remote ID (Net-RID)
> communications from the UA to the Net-RID Service Provider (SP).
> See
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-moskowitz-drip-secure-nrid-c2/
> I am compressing ESP traffic using rfc 8750 and:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-mglt-ipsecme-diet-esp/
> SCHC is negotiated in IKE (and will be in HIP) and SA tables allow the
> ESP receiver to recognize a SCHC compressed ESP Header and act properly.
> It is not so simple with DTLS.  First UDP is below DTLS, so how do you
> compress it?  The way I see it, SCHC would need to be assigned an IP
> Protocol type so that the transport processing can start right up with
> the SCHC rule for UDP and then on to DTLS and then the cipher.
> Or at least how I see the challenge.
> So I am looking for any extant work on SCHC for DTLS and/or interest in
> this activity.
> The CoAP SCHC work, rfc 8824, dodge DTLS compression.  Or that is how I
> read it.
> Thanks
> Bob
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