On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 06:47:53PM -0400, Ben Schwartz wrote:
> I noticed some confusion today about the topic of ambiguous
> transcripts in cTLS.  My claim was not that any single cTLS profile
> has an ambiguous transcript.  If such a thing were true, I believe
> that would be a bug in the cTLS specification.
> Instead, I was trying to highlight the concern of "profile confusion"
> attacks, in which an attacker is able to convince the two parties
> that different profiles (with the same ID) are in use.  In these
> cases, the two parties can verify their agreed-upon transcript,
> but interpret it differently, which could lead to vulnerabilities.
> Including the "template" in the transcript rules out these attacks.
> However, this protection depends on the use of a strong transcript
> hash in the Finished message, and shortening or omitting this hash
> has also been discussed.
> As you can see, there are still many interesting open questions
> related to cTLS.

Furthermore (this is just from "known unknown" category):

- The impact of shortening the finished is probably different for PSK
  versus certificate modes.
- Impact of record protection probably can not be ignored if finished
  is shortened. Traditional TLS 1.3 security analysis ignores RP
  completely (conservative choice to make analysis easier).
- None of the common record protectors in TLS 1.3 are committing
  (except the NULL ones!), which might have an impact on security
- PSK has binders, which are finished-like, but not protected. The
  impact of shortening those is probably very different from impact
  of shortening actual finished.


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