On Mon, Dec 11, 2023 at 5:15 PM Peter Gutmann <pgut...@cs.auckland.ac.nz> wrote:
> In all the rush to jump on the bandwagon, no-one has yet answered the question
> I posed earlier: For anyone who's already moved to TLS 1.3 the draft is
> irrelevant, and for people who have to keep supporting TLS 1.2 gear more or
> less indefinitely it makes their job hard if not impossible.

How does a feature freeze make it impossible to keep supporting TLS 1.2 as is?

> So what's the
> point of this draft?  For TLS 1.3 it's just workgroup posturing which I don't
> have a problem with (I was on the PKIX WG for years, that was practically in
> their charter), but for ongoing TLS 1.2 use it's going to pointlessly make
> life difficult for anyone working in that area.
> Why is this draft even a thing?
> Peter.
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