you wrote:
I asked my new neuro if I should be checked for MS (TMer since 2001)this year and he said I was too old (I'm 63) to get MS. He also said there was no need for me to come for annual checkups! Is that true? He was a jerk and I'm looking for a new doctor.

Peachy in TN

In my knowledge is indeed very rare to develop MS when you are at older age. When it will happen, the devopment because the age is probenly very slow. It always will be the question, is it hardening the tissue caused by TM, or is it MS. In your first chech-up in 2001 is also looked into this matter. TM can grow out to a MS, but normaly this will happen in the first 5 years, after that you can speak of a study TM with no large ups and downs anymore. TM can always stays ligth progressive.

Wim from Holland

Some quotes to hang on:
When in the morning the sun rises, it is also ment for you!
Enjoy the good days all day long.
Bad days only last 24 hours.

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